The Lion, The Band and The Urinal

Yeah that describes this weekend sufficiently. If you have any questions, let me know.

Well, OK. Saturday brought with sleeping in for a little bit, as well as going back to the gym for the first time in almost 6 weeks. I’m still feeling it, but it was really nice. Once finals are over I hope to spend some more time there. The worship team for Southwood got together for practice, and it was awesome to have Sherwin back. He’s been gone so long that Julie even asked me recently “Is Sherwin still coming to Church?” Way to leave the rhythym section hanging, bro.
This was followed by a trip to Ward Parkway AMC for Chronicles of Narnia. Oh man, was it good.

This movie has unreserved, direct, nearly-quoted-from-the-bible references to Christianity. My favorite scenes were those where Aslan would breathe on the frozen victims of the ice queen and thaw them, bringing them back to life. In Greek and Hebrew the word for breath is the same word for spirit, and the imagery and special effects used in this movie are demonstrating the Spirit of God which gives new life.Church was a great celebration of the Christmas season, and following it we had our small group’s white elephant gift exchange. This time around we nearly went home with a Urinal, currently in the possession of our Youth Pastor, which has a piece of paper attached to it which reads “Holy Potty” (A play on our Pastor’s proclamation of Christian joy as ‘Holy Party’). Needless to say, we were not about to drive home with the Holy Potty, and I traded it for the gift which we brought.

And I brought two new tires for my car. I heard it might snow again this week so we’ll see if I get a chance to put them to the test.

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2 Replies to “The Lion, The Band and The Urinal”

  1. I’m starting to see a theme with you, Joe (or maybe it’s a family tradition). Urination. First it was your sister describing her, ahem, routine and now you getting all indignant about getting the urinal as a gift. You know you wanted it, Joe. Just admit it.

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