The Bad and The Good

So here’s some Joe Donahue related happenings. Both the “.org” and myself had worship team practice last night. It started off in a rather somber mood as our worship leader is going through a really tough time right now and needs to take a step back for a while. Throughout it all though I was impressed again by the community we’re striving to build at Southwood. All discussion was 100% grace centered and focused on supporting said leader as much as possible.

The first order of business was stepping up and preparing another service sans normal worship leader and I have to say I think it went quite well. Fey-by stepped up (willingly if not enthusiastically) and took on the lead role. The classic keyboard/bass/percussion trio provided the functifying. And our BGV’s kept the support rockin’. We even tackled a couple of newer songs which were a stretch for our group without our normal lead voice.

All that to say, “Come back soon Wendy! We miss you. You have been and will continue to be in our prayers”

(Odds are 6.23*10^23 to 1 against Wendy actually reading this post)

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