Shhh!! Math! and Nana’s always right.

It seems that so much has been happening lately that I haven’t had the opportunity to report it to my worldwide audience. That being the case, I won’t be able to share all that I want to, but I will be uploading pics this weekend and I think that will say it all. Maybe I should switch to a full-fledged photoblog, as all the writing I do for Seminary often leaves me dreading the thought of a blog post.

The big thing is definitely Dave and Heather Ardrey coming back to visit for a little bit, and we hosted “The Ardrey Party” at our place and had quite the crew over. It provided the chance to use our Honeybaked Ham gift certificate and get the biggest ham that $50 would buy. Everyone else brought side dishes and it was really fun! Then the girls talked about baby stuff and we went to play the electronic ping-pong game Ed bought us for Christmas. It was so great. Not the most advanced technology in the world, but that certainly added to the joy. And joyness. Discussion also lead (for obvious reasons) to Discrete Math, which prompted Andy to say “Shhh! Math!” Not exactly… but we got a great laugh out of it.

And today we went to the ultra-sound to have all of Julie’s dreams come true: It’s a girl. Nana had been telling us that for all her grandchildren, she correctly predicted what the gender would be, and she called beforehand to tell Julie that it was going to be a girl. Well played Nana, well played.

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