Saturday Morning Coffee

Julie and I began having a dicussion on people’s birthdays this morning, and I had noticed from facebook that Jon Ardrey’s birthday is coming up. So I said “Jonathon Ardrey’s birthday is the 19th.”
Julie’s response: “For a minute I thought you meant Ryan, and I was going to say no, his birthday is July 31st.”
Ardrey’s, we salute you.

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3 Replies to “Saturday Morning Coffee”

  1. Tim, we salute you as well.
    I was wondering today if you are doing summer min again this summer. You should respond to this, or I shall be forced to call you.

  2. At ease soldier.

    I have submitted my application for summer min, and interviews and all that jazz will occur in January. Since we’re on the subject of repeating our previous summer activities, I was wondering, are you getting married again this summer? Cause that’d be sketchy. I don’t think marriage is one of those things you should do annually like summer min.

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