“Our Baby Has A Birthday.”
This is what Julie would say to those who she called following her final doctor’s visit last week. We were advised to proceed with a C-section, and after working through some scheduling conflicts, finally landed on Monday, June 4th. Around 10am we should have our long-awaited baby girl. We still don’t have a name for her yet, but are still expecting that she will be born with a name tag proudly announcing what her name is.
I am the proudest grandmama to-be (In 3 hours) in the whole world!
I am so anxious to meet my granddaughter!!!
hopefully along with her name tag will come a full set of instructions. good luck.
i love you!! 🙂
Good job making a baby. Seems like from the pictures everything is in working order. Heather is just about ready to pass out with anxiety and longing to know the name.
We’re really happy for you guys and can’t wait to meet whats-her-name.
Dave (and Heather)
Thanks for all your support guys. I have written another blog post revealing the top-secret name.