Last day of Class
Today is the last day of my two-week long module class, Philosophy of Religion. It’s been great, but the last few days, my brain always turns to mush and I don’t understand a word I am reading or hearing. I am just looking forward to getting a good night’s sleep again, and being productive at work again.
The one good thing fromt he last couple days was chapel. Traditionally, I skip chapel (often claiming that ENC has taught me well) and go for a coffee run. But I went yesterday, and it was wonderful. My day started off rough when everything I listened to on the radio just made me angry. When I have a 30 minute commute, I don’t want to listen to more commercials, or lame talk shows, and even the Christian station was just playing some songs that I thought were dumb. When I came into chapel, I didn’t recognize anyone but quickly found a couple people I knew, and it was “good great” to talk to them, to sing a couple of good songs, and then send out the in-service students back to their places of ministry.
The one good thing fromt he last couple days was chapel. Traditionally, I skip chapel (often claiming that ENC has taught me well) and go for a coffee run. But I went yesterday, and it was wonderful. My day started off rough when everything I listened to on the radio just made me angry. When I have a 30 minute commute, I don’t want to listen to more commercials, or lame talk shows, and even the Christian station was just playing some songs that I thought were dumb. When I came into chapel, I didn’t recognize anyone but quickly found a couple people I knew, and it was “good great” to talk to them, to sing a couple of good songs, and then send out the in-service students back to their places of ministry.
A final note: When I woke up this morning, the first thing that Julie said to me was “I really do like Firefox.” Yes!! She is totally the perfect girl for me!!
Today: Class, Work, NTS Picnic
This Weekend: Small Group
Today: Class, Work, NTS Picnic
This Weekend: Small Group
Yeah, poop on bad, generic, repetitive, how many versions of this song can we create, “Christian” music.
Guess heaven would be hell for Scott.
Revelation 4:8
Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under his wings. Day and night they never stop saying: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.”
And all those Jewish songs… He’s going to hate it.