Is it 7:oo already?

Well, it is certainly a lot easier to post on days that I don’t have class. On Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. I have classes from 8am to 12, then I work until 5:30. It’s really only a net gain (loss?) of a half hour from my normal work schedule, but it can still be really draining.
But I cannot complain, for today has been a good great day. My classes are, unfortunately, still requiring work from me, but my systematic theology class was particularly good this morning. Anyone who has taken classes with Dr. Noble can attest that one is never the same after learning theology from a man with a thick Scottish accent. Besides his cool accent, it is so great just to listen to him speak. Today, starting with Aristotle’s understanding of Science as “Asking the right questions,” we tried to find the most appropriate way to approach theology as a science. The three main questions, says Aristotle, are How? Why? and What?
Dr. Noble goes on to explain that the first two are unsuitable, because they lead to a self-centered, works-driven religion (How can I be saved?) and scholastic intellectualism, respectively. We are left with the What? question, and since the personal, relational God is the object of our study, it becomes a Who question. From there we went from one end of Scripture to the other, and found again and again that the purpose is to answer Jesus’ question, Who do you say that I am? Although just a glance at what an hour of Systematic Theology can bring, I thought it was fantastic.

So, off to work I go, and I got a lot done today. I finished three jobs, one of them in under an hour. And after two weeks of working on big, tedious, slow-moving jobs, it was really nice to enjoy a sense of accomplishment from it all.
And just as I left work, I got a call from Julie to meet her at Wendy’s for dinner. That was cool, because she is usually out until 8 or so on thursdays for her work.
So now, you too must reply or post with the highlights of your day. Peace out!

Posted in Uncategorized

5 Replies to “Is it 7:oo already?”

  1. I bought I Djembe yesterday. That’s pretty much how my day went.

    (P.S. I’ll bring it to worship team practice today)

  2. That is so awesome! I am stoked about it. I should bring mine sometime and we can play dualing djembes.

  3. Actually… that was from me. I don’t think Julie has a djembe. I mean, she could borrow mine if she wanted, but anyway. That’s how that goes.

  4. I think Pablo said he still has your djembe….something like that. I don’t remember, it was during an OASIS meeting, so I was high at the time. You know how crazy I get during those meetings.

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