Good Things Come in Pairs

As in papers (to hand in) and folding tables.

I was up last night and again this morning working on two papers for my Preaching class which are well overdue, but Dr. Salter did not seem to have any problems accepting them late.  With those out of the way, as well as the final I took last Monday, all I have left is a paper for my Philosophy class.  I’ve written the bulk of it, and hopefully will get it done tonight!  We’ll see though.

I have also completed my first Craigslist transaction!  I bought two six foot folding tables, which I have been eyeing ever since our LAN party this summer.  I got a great deal, and they are literally brand new.  One still has a sticker on it.  They will be excellent for the department Christmas party (which is at our place on Saturday) and for future LAN parties.  The lady I bought it from was really nice, she lives closeby in Independence and even brought the tables over for us!

Today was also our company Christmas lunch, which was held in-house this year (whereas last year it was at Crown Center).  I liked the change mostly because there were fewer crowds (though it was still crowded) and because the food was better.  They brought in a comedy team that performed whose-line-is-it anyway type material and I gave myself a headache from laughing so hard.  But then I had to go back to work with a headache, and didn’t get very much done.

A last point of interest is that Julie and I met up with a couple friends last night to celebrate Brad’s birthday.  Happy Birthday Brad!  Brad is already done with classes and papers and everything, so he probably got to relax a little more than me :o) but it was a good time to go out and eat a meal with friends.  I don’t think I should take this too much for granted.  In the words of MacGyver, “Friends are too hard to come by.” (Season 1, “Ugly Duckling”).

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