Donahue Family Reunion
Sara and Adam are visiting from England for a couple weeks, so we had the opportunity for a “Donahue Family Reunion.” We all met down at Thornton’s for breakfast, along with my father-in-law, Amelia, and our friend’s daughter Alisha. While there I happened across the most amazing corned beef hash I’ve ever had in my life.
We headed over to the house to pick up a desk for my office at the church. It is a fantastic desk! Thanks Mom!
We also all went out to Build-A-Bear at the mall. Alisha got a Panda Bear named Ashley, and Amelia got a dog named Bear. Sara picked out an outfit for it with — you guessed it — a sheep.
We don’t get the chance to all spend time together too often, so it was really good. Tomorrow Julie, the kids, and myself will go down to South Portland for some Memorial Day grilling!