Din Din!

As a good husband, I have taken to preparing dinner for my wife (and myself) from time to time, particularly when Julie is working late. Or pregnant. Both of which have been happening a lot lately. Whenever it is ready, I usually yell down to Julie, “Din din’s ready!” At this point she departs from the television or game of solitaire to come eat with me. As we were eating this evening, I thought I would finally share with Julie where I get this from, as it had never come up before. I heard this phrase consistently when I was growing up when my Nana would feed her cat, yelling in a high-pitched British accent as she opened the can of cat food, “Din din’s ready!”

In other news, I have finished my second year at NTS, and have no plans to take summer classes, but will certainly return in the fall. I attended NTS graduation to support my co-worker Darren, and had no shortage of people ask me when I will graduate. I had a deep shortage of good answers. All I do know that I am in a really good place, and am learning and growing and being formed in ways that affirm that this is good. I also got to sit next to Ryan Scott, and our time together is always really enjoyable. In a lack of “normal” seating at graduation, the usher seated us in the reserved seats up near the front, right behind a General Superintendent and next to the daughter of the speaker. We may have also looked slightly out of place in our t-shirts and jeans – this is how ENC’ers roll.

Tomorrow: Bobbie’s wedding and LAN Party V!

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