Corporate Meets Rock

The NTS variety show was Friday night, and although it was not extremely well attended, it was a lot of fun. Brad Hays, a new friend of mine who is in Greek as well as Systematic Theology with me, even took the night off from work to come and support us. Kudos, Brad.
As we arrived we realized that there was a boardroom-esque table with leather chairs in the middle of the stage, and so coupled with our pink shirts and random ties, our theme became “Corporate Meets Rock.” We started off with Marshall McCluen, did a second set with Five Iron Frenzy’s Most Likely To Succeed, and 5,00,000 miles, and wrapped it up with Relient K’s Sadie Hawkins Dance. I think there was another song in there but I can’t think of it now…. if there is one I will edit this post.
Saturday brought with it our first real encounter with that nebulous foe who travels under the guise ‘Car Maintenance.” On Thursday we decided that this weekend we would get the new tires for my car that were prescribed for it the last time I took it to the shop, and on Friday the Check Engine light came on. Thusly, we paid three times as much as we were planning to pay, and I still don’t have new tires. But I do have two brand-spanking new Oxygen Filters.
Sunday was a great day at church, and the “First Hour” worship team played, so it was nice to have a slightly more relaxed Sunday morning. The evening brought with it a Small Group Business meeting and a Costume party at Matt Banner’s place. At the former engagement we discussed how to creatively ‘multiply’ our small group since it has the ‘blessing’ of growing. Each of these quoted words are not to be read with sarcasm, but with a hint of dismay. We like our small group a lot, and it is sad to have to part ways with some to make room for others, but we are having faith that it will work out. As for the costume party, I attended as the Denim Cowboy. It was a blast, and my Super Mullet wig was a big hit with the little kids.

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