Last night I came home expecting a package containing some much anticipated Crib Sheets. I’ve started to slowly gather some nursery items in anticpation of our baby’s arrival. When I…
Author: julie
Today was my first doctor’s appointment. I was so incredibly nervous to meet my doctor and to find out if I really am pregnant. And if I AM pregnant, I…
Seriously. We go to bed so early we could be old people. I think we’re a few weeks away from starting to get the AARP magazine in the mail. Anyways…
Two feelings which are strange when they go hand in hand. I’m feeling both right now. I’m having trouble with this knowledge that I have a tiny human being inside…
Yesterday I made my first doctor’s appointment to make sure that I’m not just fooling myself into thinking I’m pregnant. My appointment is next Monday. Obviously I’m going to be…
It’s official. At 6:30 AM this morning the test results said “PREGNANT”. I ran into the bedroom to tell Joe who was somewhat less than impressed (not to mention half…
On Wednesday of this week, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be: 01:02:03 04/05/06.
I used to have a toenail collection. In high school I would take my clippings and store them in a jar. The end goal of this endevour was to have…
Joe and I were discussing yesterday about how Joe’s work day is fairly, …. predictable. He pretty much knows before he gets to the office what he will be doing…
Hey Everybody, Don’t forget to drop by The Ardrey tommorow night for a fun time with The Ardrey In-laws. Or the Ardrey Parents (depending upon which Ardrey you are referencing)