And the shortest distance between two points is….

So I was Googling directions to a place nearby to get some BBQ wings and accidentally typed “23” instead of the full “23 East Elm Avenue…” street address. Anyway, follow this link to see what I got:

Google Maps

Now, take your time, breathe it in, and scroll down to direction 35. Is the shortest distance between two points a straight line? I guess it depends on how you travel that line.

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2 Replies to “And the shortest distance between two points is….”

  1. i like the part where it says “swim across the atlantic”. that’s quite the set of directions. maybe you want to take a boat instead

  2. Tim, I may have mentioned this before, but you are my hero.
    I read this post while I was in class and I literally burst out laughing. Thank you.

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