Ultimate Fribee-licious!

to the millions of adoring fans who religiously point your browsers to this site on a daily, or hourly, basis: you, yes you, are invited to the most excellent game of ultimate frisbee ever, which will take place at Dunn Park (where The Paseo and Meyer Blvd meet, sort of) Tuesday, 3/21, beginning promptly at 11:00am. you may even get a chance to meet the infamous Ed “Wicked Frisbee Skills” Donahue, if you’re lucky.


ps- Joe, as much as we all want it to be, it’s not fall 2005 anymore…

Posted in Uncategorized

7 Replies to “Ultimate Fribee-licious!”

  1. I know! It bugs me too. I want to set up different categories for posts, but I don’t know what they should be.
    If you have any ideas, let me know.

  2. How about . . . “Spring 2006”

    Too radically different?

    How about . . . “S. Morganstern’s classic tale of love and adventure”

    Yeah that’s better

  3. Joseph,
    are you really coming to a meeting in Bangor in May, or did you just write that to raise my hopes of seeing the newest Mr. and Mrs. Donahue– only to dash them upon the jagged rocks of reality?

    Hey–I’m supposed to be going to see Ashley Warren after church today. I talked to her yesterday and she sounded good. yay!

  4. how about “the vernal adventures of a ragtag band in the year of our Lord two thousand and 6”?

  5. Haha. I will send this name for approval to our Manager and see what she thinks. Also, your hopes are truly dashed upon jagged rocks. We will not be coming to Bangor on May 6th, but I do have to put together a video of my GA adventures for that day.

    But! We will be coming to Boston for Crystal’s Graduation on May the 20th. If your hopes can be convinced that two more weeks is a worthwhile wait, perhaps they can be spared.

    From Julie – “Not fair! She gets to see Ashley and I don’t!”
    Anyway… good to hear from you. Peace out.

  6. Joe! You’re coming to Boston! That’s wicked sick. But I’m pretty sure graduation is on the 13th. You should double check that. If there’s a chance I can show you my new house in Duxbury. That’s a fun time.

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