Royals Tickets!

I was going to write a really cool thing on “Web 2.0”, but it quickly grew into something more than I can invest into right now. Hopefully someday I will finish it, because it’s cool.
I got Royals tickets today! One of the NPH benefits is a pair of royals tickets, and today was the sign up day for our department. I didn’t think much of it, until I was informed that they are really nice seats right behind home base. Even though it’s just the royals, I am excited about it! I signed up for the August 10th game against the Red Sox, and James signed up for the same night. I think that will be a blast because even though I have offically decreed James as my archnemesis, it will be good times to go to a baseball game together.
(He mentiond me in his first blog post the other day, and so I wanted to repay the favor.)
Sweet Dreams, Kansas City.

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