Pea Soup and Court Reports

Joe and I were discussing yesterday about how Joe’s work day is fairly, …. predictable. He pretty much knows before he gets to the office what he will be doing that day. Me, on the other hand, I could go to work and sit in the office writing reports/progress notes all day or I could be running all over the city doing various tasks… Both types of jobs have their advantages and disadvantages I suppose…

Anyway, today was a NONcrisis, sit-in-the-office-looking-up-recipes-for-pea-soup-to-get-rid-of-the-leftover-ham-from-TND day. Kinda fun. I’ve found that the people I work with become a little more lax on the holidays. I don’t get as many calls from people saying that they hate me and I’m ruining their lives as I usually do (although not all the people I work with think of me that way)… Especially when they know that you have presents to give them. It’s fun playing Santa.

Like my coworker Michelle says:

I’m Out Like a Scout on a New Route

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