Hanging out at Gillis

So, it’s Saturday morning, and what am I doing? Hanging out at Julie’s office while she gets work done. We were going to go the small group leader’s breakfast this morning, but we went to the church and no one was there. Either it is not today, or not at the church, or everyone is playing a cruel trick on us, or all three.
What I have accomplished this morning is reaching third place on Beth’s game of Snood in one try. Her top ten scores all say “Beth” except for 3rd which says “JoeDonahue.org.” I think she will exceptionally thrilled about it when she comes into work on Monday. You’re welcome, Beth. I like the picture of you, Steve and Wally on your desk.
Last night was interesting as we dropped by Animal Medical Center. We went in to ask about Puggles, but I guess they don’t have any. It’s too bad, because we would have bought one on the spot. And purchased the dog medical insurance for it, too. What a good deal. It wasn’t a complete loss, since we got to introduce Dr. Fey to Sweet Tomatoes. We even left a tip this time.
And in conclusion, I got to talk to my old roommate Owen White last night. We haven’t talked in forever, so it was good to catch up. And in about a month, he will be done with college and I’m pretty sure he will come out here to NTS :o) This place could use some more ENC’ers. Even though Owen is like a ENC / SNU hybrid. Still.

Posted in Uncategorized

3 Replies to “Hanging out at Gillis”

  1. That’s pretty amazing. Reminds me of that time you said you’d never install Windows again. Cause I’m definitely installing Windows Vista Beta something or other right now. Or maybe I’m not….so far in the last 12 hours I’ve tried installing 4 different operating systems and none of them want to boot.

    By the way, didn’t you get the memo that today is “Fustigate Joe Donahue’s Small Group Activities Day”??

  2. Apparently a certain wife of a certain user of joedonahue.org forgot to call a certain creator of joedonahue.org and mention that a certain lunch for certain small group leaders was certainly canceled for certain unmentionable reasons.

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