Get ‘er done!

Well, this is going to be an interesting post, let me tell you. I plan to begin with a recap of the rodeo last night, followed by some rants on what I saw on TV this morning, and then some thoughts on what is going on tonight and beyond.
The American Royale Rodeo, right here in Kansas City, Missouri. As I shared my feelings about this experience today in my Cultural Anthropology class, I was informed that this is what they call ‘Culture Shock.’ I wish I could have been a little more prepared for it. The part of it that was actual rodeo was pretty cool, but I absolutely was ANNOYED by the commentators. They spent more time talking between themselves concerning the ice cream they ate last night than on the show itself. I was on the verge of tears because of their inane banter. Between the two of them and Troy the Rodeo Clown… who, we were informed, was voted the #1 Rodeo Entertainer of the year. I hope it wasn’t because of his witty jokes. Anyway, we did watch some pretty awesome mutton bustin’ and Mad Dog (a six-year-old rodeo clown… why?) dive-bombed in front of another 6-year-old riding a sheep. Hence the Mutton. Hence the Bustin. It really was funny to watch little kids ride sheep. AND, lets not forget, we got to see Miss Teen Rodeo Missouri 2005. OK, one rant down, one to go.
So, Julie and I are watching the Today Show or whatever it is on TV this morning before I left for class, and they had a segment on ‘the new evangelicals’ which is always interesting, since that in some ways includes us. Only they showed this absolutely gargantuan megachurch, and they interviewed the pastor there. His interview included this little snippet of joy,

Every sunday, people vote by where they go to church. And right now, I am winning the election.

I don’t rant very much (at all?) and don’t necessarily view my little corner of the internet as the soapbox for my condemnation of the world and everyone who would contaminate hot dogs by using ‘condiments,’ but this made me absolutely furious! I don’t understand, and so I think I am just going to leave that right where it is.

Tonight is the big night. The NTS variety show is set to commence as planned, and so long as people come to it, I am sure it will be an amazing time. But I am glad this whole thing is going to be over soon – we’ve been planning it for like a month and this week alone I have not spent more then 20 minutes at a time with Julie. Between this, and the rodeo, and my papers, and her work schedule, it has not been good. We need to go out on a date or something. So, I am excited about rocking out tonight, I always love playing, but it will be nice to return to normalcy. On that note, I would like to quote this Julie individual I mentioned, upon a time last week when we were cleaning up the house and she picked up something that needed to be thrown away. She looked at it and said,

Can this be deleted?

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