Some Light Reading

I was in the middle of reading “Trinitarian Externality as a Pattern for Evangelism and Missions” (Eric Severson, Wesleyan Theological Journal #38, Spring 2003) when Julie came over and asked me to read “Everybody Poops” to our unborn daughter.

This may be a glimpse of the kind of “summer reading” that I have to look forward to…

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9 Replies to “Some Light Reading”

  1. You have to admit it though “Everyone Poops” is a very educational and edifying book. I’d recommend it to anyone!

  2. Poor Joe,
    He didn’t get that book read to him as a child 🙂
    I bet he still has memorized each and every card in the Marvel series though. Now THATS good stuff!

  3. I was just discussing over break the differences between the Spider-Man movies and the original comic book series. No one seems to care very much though.

  4. I did not have the privilege of reading the Spider-Man comics as a child. I did however, enjoy reading the first few issue when they were included in the newspaper for free this year; there is nothing like nineteen sixties’ comic book art and story telling.

    Amara sent me the link to your blog. I had to post. Congratulations on the up and coming baby girl.

  5. owls don’t poop. technically. I don’t think certain marine invertebrates do either. well maybe owls do, but they also get rid of pellets through their mouth. specific individuals don’t either, due to certain medical procedures, but we won’t go into that.

  6. ooopps…I was wrong about the owls. Sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I just wanted to make sure your daughter was as fully informed as possible.

  7. Amara you still remain one of the smartest people I know. I appreciate that you want our daughter to be well informed 🙂

  8. I think Julie understands people. Lets face it, “Everyone Poops” is a hundred times more interesting than “Trinitarian Externality as a Pattern for Evangelism and Missions.” Quote from “Everyone Poops” in church and all of a sudden those who were sleeping will wake up, the teens will be on the edge of their seats in anticipation and even the adults who are hanging out in the entrance will step back into the sanctuary to hear what is going on.

    Joe, listen to Julie when it comes to sermon preparation and you’ll be a great preacher!

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