Crying Over Crib Sheets

Last night I came home expecting a package containing some much anticipated Crib Sheets. I’ve started to slowly gather some nursery items in anticpation of our baby’s arrival. When I got home, I noticed a yellow sticker on our door from UPS. I read the note which stated that the package had been left at the rear door. I ran to the back door only to find that there was package in sight. Joe arrived home approximately ten minutes later and I showed him the note. I then proceeded to cry…hysterically… for half an hour :-). After I had finished crying I began to laugh uncontrollably about crying over a package of crib sheets. I made joe promise to call UPS tomorrow and he agreed. I was able to sleep soundly that night.

The following morning Joe left for work before me. When he opened the back door he called out my name. I looked down the stairs and Joe was holding a package containing my crib sheets. I laughed. Joe just said “Just think of all those wasted tears…”

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