So Much For Pathos
In Freshman Speech class (which I took as a Sophomore…) we look at the three things that give any speech persusive strength: Pathos, Logos, and Ethos. These are Greek words which in this context mean Passion, Logic, and Ethics (respectively). Any speech can use just one or any combination of these persuasive appeals. People are generally convinced of something by seeing someone else’s feelings about it (pathos, passion), by using reason (logos, logic) or by appealing to the quality of their character (ethos, ethics).This morning on the radio I heard a comedian who was being interviewed sing a song about Touchdown Jesus (pictured above). This person sang with as much pathos as any song I have heard in church, but they were singing about how Jesus looked like he was made out of butter in this statue just off of I-75 in Ohio.
So much for pathos.
So much for pathos.