About Me

Joe Donahue is a pastor, software engineer, musician, and Guitar Hero Rock Legend. He lives in Maine with his wife and three children.

In 2005 I graduated from Eastern Nazarene College in Quincy, MA with a B.S. in Management Information Systems. My experience at ENC could not have been any better: My academic study prepared me for a career in Information Technology and I developed lifetime friendships with fellow believers. I discovered and welcomed opportunities to serve on campus, in a local church, and around the Eastern region through the Summer Ministry program.

2005 would continue to be a pivotal year. I married Julie Quinlan in South Portland and we moved to Kansas City, MO to begin graduate school at Nazarene Theological Seminary and an internship as a Programmer / Analyst at Nazarene Publishing House.  While in KC, we attended Southwood Church of the Nazarene and continued to serve in music ministry and small groups. Like my years in Quincy, our time in NTS would be invaluable and formative. We had our first child and after nearly 3 years in a land with no Dunkin Donuts, moved back to Maine.

Back in Maine on the dawn of 2008. I began a new role as Youth Pastor at Lisbon Falls Church of the Nazarene.  I immediately became involved with our District NYI and was the Teen Camp Director from 2008 to 2011. I continue my studies remotely for NTS, found additional employment with a Maine-based IT group, and our second child was born.

2012 would be another pivotal year for us. Our third child was born and after four years as an Associate Pastor to Youth, we moved to downeast Maine to serve as Pastor of the Ellsworth Church of the Nazarene. I continued my work at NTS and (finally!) completed the Master of Divinity in 2013.

Serving as a Pastor to an absolutely wonderful congregation in the most beautiful part of the world is a privilege and gift. I am a student as much as a teacher, and I try to listen as much as I speak. I consider my role as “helping others to be attentive to Christ” (Jeren Rowell) and to see the Good that is happening everywhere – all over the world, in our communities and churches, and even in our own lives.

One Reply to “About Me”

  1. Joe,

    Don’t forget to update us on the new position and how it goes in Ellsworth.
    We will be seeing you soon.

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