From Google Docs, With Love

Exploring the settings in Google Docs is something I do frequently, hoping to unearth some new nugget of joy. It appears as though this has happened today, as I found that I could enter my blog settings and associate it with Google Docs. I am guessing this means that I can post a document to my blog.
That would be pretty awesome.

Mostly successful.
It did not save the title, which I had to enter manually. That is not going to work out.
Will re-publishing this post after a change is made work? Will it overwrite the title?

Update 2:
The update was successful, but it did overwrite the title I had assigned to this post in WordPress. There is an explicit setting to “Include the document title when posting (If supported).” Why would anyone not want a title assigned? Even so, I know this can be done because Flickr can do it just fine.

I still love Google Docs. It will be even more Glorious when a Web Desktop can unify the diverse services into a single interface.

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